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Dan Cairns

Commercial Portfolio Hello. I'm Dan, and I'm currently the Digital Marketing & Creative Manager at Oxford Companies, Ann Arbor's largest commercial real estate company. I believe the success of any creative project stems from fostering close collaboration between everyone involved.
What I Do:

Creative direction, web development, graphic design, digital marketing, brand identity, copywriting, print & digital advertising, photo & video.

The Oxford Book What can be said about Ann Arbor's largest commercial real estate company? Quite a bit. The Oxford Book was the most comprehensive project I've completed at Oxford. I handled all aspects of the book's design, layout and some of the copywriting. I still can't belive that it's actually done.
Year: 2023
Client: Oxford Companies
View: View as PDF (large file)
Interior spread of a brochure
OxMech.com I didn’t expect my first React project to be a client website, but I had the chance and went for it. This was a fun one. Got to teach myself more about Router, APIs, scroll anchoring, form handling and lots (and lots) of useState. I think the only downside to React is that I can’t use it more often.
P.S. I did not design this site.
Year: 2024
Client: Oxford Companies
View: www.OxMech.com
Built with: React
Screenshot of a webpage
OxfordCompanies.com In 2022, I proposed a complete redesign to a few page on the Oxford site. The goal? Drive leads and make navigation as simple as possible. Maybe give people something nice to look at, too. I continue to work closely with my colleagues to update and redesign existing content, create new pages and optimize the user experience.
Year: 2022 (redesign)
Client: Oxford Companies
View: www.OxfordCompanies.com
Built with: Themeco Pro
Mockup of cellphone displaying webpage Mockup of cellphone displaying webpage
Digital & Print Advertising Yes. It's true. Oxford used to use Futura PT. I take full responsibility, and I think I finally made up for it.
Year: 2018 - Present
Client: Oxford
Digital Advertisements
Screenshot of a digital advertisement Screenshot of a digital advertisement
Print Advertisements
Print advertisement Print advertisement Print advertisement Print advertisement Print advertisement Print advertisement
Discover our America Remember subscription boxes? I used to do copywriting for one of them. If you ever subscribed to Discover our America, then you undoubetedly remember receiving an exciting U.S. state themed box every month. It was mostly filled with old food, but the hidden gem was a booklet with a unique narrative on that month's state. I think I wrote 16 of those books. My favorite state was Arkansas. I can't remember why. One of these booklets is linked below.
Year: 2016
Client: Discover our America
View: View as PDF
Mockup of a narrative brochure
Mockup of a narrative brochure Mockup of a narrative brochure